Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Heeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeee's Spike!

Computer problems and laziness have kept Spike's travels from the public. So don't blame him, he's just a cat.

Speaking of Spike, he's an expletive deleted liar. I was all, "When you coming back to visit?" and he was all "meow," which we all know is kitten for "not for a while, I'm still trying to find myself so lay off me MOM." Then he sends me this picture from the Overlook Hotel in Colorado!

Spike, if you're reading this, 1) when did you learn to read? and 2) you hurt me.

Anyway apparently there's some movie magic involved here. That or hellish evil spawns have taken refuge inside the seemingly innocuous hotel near the picturesque Rockie Mountains.

You decide.